Core Values
We value Gospel centrality that all humans are sinful and yet so loved by God that He made a way for the salvation of all people by believing in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This fact is the source of our joy and what we want all people to find.
We value community. We believe that the fellowship of Christians together in unity brings glory to God and we want to work towards unity and mutual support of the congregation.
We value organic ministry (authenticity) and are willing to be involved in the lives of people with real needs and problems, in a spirit of love, on behalf of Jesus who modeled this principle throughout His ministry on earth.
We value grace and acknowledge our complete dependence on the goodness and grace of God. We have benefited from grace and will eagerly extend it to others.
We value dynamic worship where believers feel the freedom to connect with God and express their joy with their Creator in praise while showing seekers the presence of God within His people. We believe worship at Church in the Park should show everyone our joy without alienating the seeker with distracting outbursts or bids for attention.
We value our non-traditional roots, being outside the walls of a traditional church and simply finding our place following Jesus. We get creative to reach more people where they are. We avoid adding programs and focus on living out our purposes instead. We try to stay simple and uncluttered and enable the local church to reach the community.
For more on what believe you can view our Statement of Beliefs below.